DH100: Introduction to Digital Humanities
Tuesday/Thursday 9:25am – 10:40am
Brian S. Matzke
Email: bmatzke@ccsu.edu
To meet with me, please schedule an appointment here
Week 1: Introductions
Lecture: Introduction to the course; example video
Reading: None
Assignment: None
Lecture: What is a digital library?
Reading: None
Assignment: None
Lecture: Introduction to the course; example video
Reading: None
Assignment: None
Lecture: What is a digital library?
Reading: None
Assignment: None
Week 2: Digital libraries and digital publishing
Lecture: What kinds of research projects can you do with a digital library?
Reading: Amanda Shendruk, “Analyzing the Gender Representation of 34,476 Comic Book Characters”
Assignment: None
Lecture: Part 1: Purchasing your website; Part 2: Setting up your website
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Set up your website
Lecture: What kinds of research projects can you do with a digital library?
Reading: Amanda Shendruk, “Analyzing the Gender Representation of 34,476 Comic Book Characters”
Assignment: None
Lecture: Part 1: Purchasing your website; Part 2: Setting up your website
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Set up your website
Week 3: Website design and project proposals
Lecture: Digital Rhetoric
Reading: Anne Francis Wysocki, “The Multiple Media of Texts” (on Blackboard. You are only required to read pages 1-15, up to the “Applied Analysis” section.)
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 1: Profile of a DH project
Lecture: What is a research question?
Reading: Tara Menon, “Keeping Count: Direct Speech in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel” (access the article through the library)
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 2: Three possible research questions
Lecture: Digital Rhetoric
Reading: Anne Francis Wysocki, “The Multiple Media of Texts” (on Blackboard. You are only required to read pages 1-15, up to the “Applied Analysis” section.)
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 1: Profile of a DH project
Lecture: What is a research question?
Reading: Tara Menon, “Keeping Count: Direct Speech in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel” (access the article through the library)
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 2: Three possible research questions
Week 4: How to read an academic paper
Lecture: How to read an academic paper
Reading: One of the two articles listed in your assignment
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 3: Analysis of an academic paper
Lecture: Part 1: How to find scholarly sources; Part 2: Zotero
Reading: A scholarly article on your research topic (see assignment)
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 4: Summary of a scholarly source
Lecture: How to read an academic paper
Reading: One of the two articles listed in your assignment
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 3: Analysis of an academic paper
Lecture: Part 1: How to find scholarly sources; Part 2: Zotero
Reading: A scholarly article on your research topic (see assignment)
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 4: Summary of a scholarly source
Week 5: Descriptive metadata
Lecture: Part 1: Artifacts and where to find them; Part 2: Adding artifacts to your website
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 1: First artifact
Lecture: Dublin Core and controlled vocabularies
Readings (recommended but not required): Check out Johanna Drucker, Introduction to Digital Humanities 3A “Ontologies and Metadata”, p. 24-27 and DCMI Metadata Terms
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 5: Dublin Core metadata
Lecture: Part 1: Artifacts and where to find them; Part 2: Adding artifacts to your website
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 1: First artifact
Lecture: Dublin Core and controlled vocabularies
Readings (recommended but not required): Check out Johanna Drucker, Introduction to Digital Humanities 3A “Ontologies and Metadata”, p. 24-27 and DCMI Metadata Terms
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 5: Dublin Core metadata
Week 6: Adding metadata to artifacts
Lecture: The Dublin Core metadata plugin
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 2: Second artifact
Lecture: A gentle introduction to XML and TEI
Readings (recommended but not required): Check out w3schools, “Introduction to XML” and Johanna Drucker, Introduction to Digital Humanities 6A “Text Encoding”, p 46-48
Assignment: None
Lecture: The Dublin Core metadata plugin
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 2: Second artifact
Lecture: A gentle introduction to XML and TEI
Readings (recommended but not required): Check out w3schools, “Introduction to XML” and Johanna Drucker, Introduction to Digital Humanities 6A “Text Encoding”, p 46-48
Assignment: None
Week 7: Text markup
Lecture: Working with the TEI Boilerplate
Readings (recommended but not required): Check out the resources on the Women Writers Project and the website for the TEI Boilerplate for help completing today’s assignment.
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 3: TEI markup
Lecture: None (available for individual consultation on any incomplete assignments)
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 6: Reflection on your TEI markup
Lecture: Working with the TEI Boilerplate
Readings (recommended but not required): Check out the resources on the Women Writers Project and the website for the TEI Boilerplate for help completing today’s assignment.
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 3: TEI markup
Lecture: None (available for individual consultation on any incomplete assignments)
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 6: Reflection on your TEI markup
Week 8: Audio and video markup
Lecture: Indexing audiovisual materials
Readings: Check out the resources on the website for The Oral History Metadata Synchronizer. For additional information on how to complete your markup, consult the video tutorials on this page.
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 4: OHMS index
Lecture: None (available for individual consultation on any incomplete assignments)
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 7: Reflection on your OHMS index
Lecture: Indexing audiovisual materials
Readings: Check out the resources on the website for The Oral History Metadata Synchronizer. For additional information on how to complete your markup, consult the video tutorials on this page.
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 4: OHMS index
Lecture: None (available for individual consultation on any incomplete assignments)
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 7: Reflection on your OHMS index
Week 9: DH Ethics
Lecture: Copyright
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Add Creative Commons statement to your website’s homepage and rights statements to your artifacts’ metadata
Lecture: Ruja Benjamin, “Data for Black Lives”
Readings: Sarah Brayne, “Relying on algorithms can further bias and inequality — but it doesn’t have to be that way”
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 8: Reflection on technology and inequality
Lecture: Copyright
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Add Creative Commons statement to your website’s homepage and rights statements to your artifacts’ metadata
Lecture: Ruja Benjamin, “Data for Black Lives”
Readings: Sarah Brayne, “Relying on algorithms can further bias and inequality — but it doesn’t have to be that way”
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 8: Reflection on technology and inequality
Week 10: Timelines and maps
Lecture: Timelines and Maps
Reading: None, but we’ll be looking at these online tools: Timeline and StoryMap
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 5: Timeline or Map
Lecture: Thesis statements
Reading: The magic thesis sentence
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 9: Thesis statement
Lecture: Timelines and Maps
Reading: None, but we’ll be looking at these online tools: Timeline and StoryMap
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 5: Timeline or Map
Lecture: Thesis statements
Reading: The magic thesis sentence
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 9: Thesis statement
Week 11: Histograms and scatterplots
Lecture: Analyzing data visualizations and where to find data
Reading: “Three questions to ask yourself next time you see a graph, chart, or map” by Carson MacPherson-Krutsky. Also, we’ll be checking out Kaggle.com and Data.gov.
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 10: Analysis of a data visualization
Lecture: Creating bar graphs, histograms, or scatterplots in Excel
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 6: Histogram or scatterplot
Lecture: Analyzing data visualizations and where to find data
Reading: “Three questions to ask yourself next time you see a graph, chart, or map” by Carson MacPherson-Krutsky. Also, we’ll be checking out Kaggle.com and Data.gov.
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 10: Analysis of a data visualization
Lecture: Creating bar graphs, histograms, or scatterplots in Excel
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 6: Histogram or scatterplot
Week 12: Catching up
Lecture: None (available for individual consultation on the paper or any incomplete assignments)
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 7: Third artifact
Lecture: Putting the pieces together for the final paper
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 11: Partial draft/outline of final paper
Lecture: None (available for individual consultation on the paper or any incomplete assignments)
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 7: Third artifact
Lecture: Putting the pieces together for the final paper
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 11: Partial draft/outline of final paper
Week 13: Word frequencies
Lecture: Voyant Tools
Reading: None, but we’ll be working with Voyant Tools
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 12: Profile of a DH project, take two
Lecture: Google N-Grams and HathiTrust Bookworm
Reading: None, but we’ll be working with The HathiTrust Bookworm
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 8: Word frequency visualization
Lecture: Voyant Tools
Reading: None, but we’ll be working with Voyant Tools
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog post 12: Profile of a DH project, take two
Lecture: Google N-Grams and HathiTrust Bookworm
Reading: None, but we’ll be working with The HathiTrust Bookworm
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 8: Word frequency visualization
Week 14: Trees, flowcharts, and sankeys
Lecture: Sankeys, flowcharts, and trees
Reading: None, but we will be working with SankeyMATIC, Lucidchart, and RelationshipTree
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 9: Fourth data visualization
Lecture: None, but I am available via WebEx to discuss your papers or any past assignments
Reading: None
Assignment None
Lecture: Sankeys, flowcharts, and trees
Reading: None, but we will be working with SankeyMATIC, Lucidchart, and RelationshipTree
Assignment (due by midnight): Gallery entry 9: Fourth data visualization
Lecture: None, but I am available via WebEx to discuss your papers or any past assignments
Reading: None
Assignment None
Week 15: Workshopping your final paper
Lecture: Two final key terms
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog 13: Complete rough draft
Lecture: Final thoughts
Reading: “Workshop is not for you” by Jeremiah Chamberlin
Assignment (due by midnight): Peer critiques
Lecture: Two final key terms
Reading: None
Assignment (due by midnight): Blog 13: Complete rough draft
Lecture: Final thoughts
Reading: “Workshop is not for you” by Jeremiah Chamberlin
Assignment (due by midnight): Peer critiques
Final paper and final exam
Monday, 5/10 is the last day assignments will be accepted for credit. All assignments must be visible on your site by midnight tonight
The final paper is due by midnight on Monday, 5/10
The extra credit (submit to the COVID archive) is due by midnight on Monday, 5/10
The final exam will be available on Blackboard from noon on Monday, 5/10 until noon on Friday, 5/14
Here is a list of key terms that you may use as a study guide as you prepare for the final exam